Cultivate a Vegetable or Fragrant Garden or Plant a Tree Where and what type of tree or garden you plant is entirely your choice. Cultivating a spot that is meaningful to you or to the one you lost are both viable options. Some gardens require a minimum amount of upkeep – based on what you plant – so try to analyze ahead of time to know yourself enough to determine if you will be loyal and trim Cheap Jordan 10 , prune and weed. A flower garden may require less work and still look nice. While planting and tending or tilling the flower or vegetable garden, look back to the wonderful lessons or memories during time spent with your special loved one. Purchase or make a bench to set nearby to sit and reflect or read or even meditate. Think about purchasing an engraved plaque dedicating the planting to the person and then pick a nice spot and place it nearby to remind others of the special life that lives on in your heart and mind.
Plan a Balloon Memorial Give a memorial and release balloons, doves or butterflies on an annual calendar. No matter what many people believe or have been told, latex balloons are biodegradable and deteriorate when exposed to the outdoors. The overall time for latex to break down is exactly as an oak leaf; six months. What some people may not see is that latex is a natural rubber and is subject to breakdown unlike plastics. If you have lost a teen or child, balloon releases honor the spirits of young people and remember those who passed on too soon. For those who live in areas that care about sea creatures or wildlife that could be harmed by balloons, a butterfly or dove release may be an acceptable option..
Make an Online Memorial Today more and more funeral homes offer online website space with handy tools which lets you make a special memorial page dedicated to the loved one. It is thought to be beneficial for those going through the process of loss and grief. There are also online virtual web sites that accomplish the same thing. Some sites are free and others charge an one time or recurring fee. An affordable option would be to use the free social networking or blogging sites. With digital cameras, scanners and scanning services Cheap Jordan 11 , photos can easily be loaded up to go with poems, songs or stories specific to the one honored. Links can be placed on the page to the person’s desired charity (providing an opportunity for others that may desire to give money in their memory). Other links can go to special sites that held special meaning to the deceased.
Create a Motion Video or Slideshow Online The video sites such as YouTube are another way to honor someone who has passed on. Powerpoints are easy to assemble by taking advantage of a number of software applications you may find on the internet. The links to YouTube can be placed onto a blog so that visitors to the site will not have to visit YouTube to view it. Gratefully, with the free tools available to us these days, creating a slide show or video is easier than ever.
Memorials that are Not Tangible Whether your memorial is more traditional or completely different is up to you. Additional ideas are; donating to the deceased’s favorite charity, sign up to be an organ donor, have a tattoo made, andor writing a poem or biography. These ideas are not as outwardly noticeable as are planting a tree or holding a release memorial Cheap Jordan Retro Shoes , but what matters is that they are significant and meaningful to the one creating it.
I am attending college full time and get a kick out of writing and learning. I want to recognize Bill Nicholas for his inspiration to me on writing about difficult things, for being a great friend and giving me the idea to write this in the first place.
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