USP stands for unique selling proposition or point. It is the one thing that really makes one business stand out from another and without a USP your coffee shop business plan is worthless.
For starters Cheap Cincinnati Bengals Jerseys , actually go to your competition. I know this doesn't sound like something you're going to enjoy doing, but consider it research. Go look and see how they have their establishments setup. See what kind of menus they have. A coffee shop is more than just coffee. The more competition you check out, the better an idea you'll have of how to compete.
Next, you want to study their ad campaigns. Everybody advertises differently based on their USP Cheap Bengals Jerseys , but they all do have things in common. Look for those similarities. There are some basic things that you're going to want to convey to your target market. The primary things are:
The quality of the coffee and food
The atmosphere of the shop
The price
A lot of people say that there's not a big difference between one coffee and another. Those people are NOT real coffee drinkers. Trust e is a difference. If you're looking to cater to the guy driving an 18 wheeler on route 9, he's going to expect a different quality of coffee than the guy who has on a $2,000 suit and doesn't buy anything off the rack. You have to know who your target market is and what kind of coffee they're going to expect.
Finding your USP is really as simple as looking at your product, in your case Cheap Clint Boling Jersey , your coffee shop, and deciding what it is about it that makes it different from everybody else's.
Now, at first glance, you may not know what this is. Sometimes Cheap Kevin Huber Jersey , we're all too wrapped up in our business to be able to see the forest for the trees. So you need to take a step back and look at it as an outsider.
Better yet, why not look at another coffee franchise as that same outsider (which in fact you are) and see if you can spot what THEIR USP is. It may be something subtle. Maybe it's a catchy slogan, tune or even commercial.
Remember the old Dunkin Donuts commercials, "Time to make the donuts". This was supposed to be telling us that Dunkin Donuts is so conscientious about their donuts and coffee that their guys are up in the wee hours of the morning making them so you can have them fresh for breakfast.
Take a look at what each coffee shop is doing. Figure out what they're NOT focusing on and include it in your coffee shop business plan. Make THAT the focus of YOUR USP.
Some ideas;
1. The most exotic coffees from many lands. 2. More than just the best coffee. 3. Coffee and a donut to go in less than 60 seconds. 4. Drink your coffee in the lap of luxury. 5. Where the coffee is always hot.
Think of a catch phrase and run with it.
To your success. Healthcare is one of the hottest career fields in America today. The aging and retiring of the largest population segment in the country Cheap Michael Johnson Jersey , known as ?baby boomers?, has left the healthcare industry racing to find enough employees to fill the void. Advances in medical technology and treatment are causing people to live longer as well. Add the fact many universities and colleges don't have enough teachers to train new employees; there becomes a ripe market for healthcare careers.
You would be amazed how many types of healthcare careers there are available. This article will discuss three main categories; patient care, non-patient care and operations. We'll also discuss an amazing new trend with tremendous opportunity ? home health.
Three main healthcare jobs in the category of patient care are nursing, medical assisting and dental hygiene.
Nursing consists mainly of direct patient care Cheap Shawn Williams Jersey , but this can take place in a hospital, private doctor's office, or an institution like a school, ski resort or cruise ship. With additional education or experience Cheap C.J. Uzomah Jersey , some nurses become nurse managers, shift supervisors, epidemiologists, or counsel to insurance companies and law offices.
Medical assistants primarily provide patient care; performing routine medical functions to free up the time of the doctor. In the past Cheap Andrew Billings Jersey , some of these medical services could only be provided by doctors. Medical assistants administer medication, take vital signs and update medical history.
Dental hygienists perform a similar function to medical assistants, only in a dentist's office. A hygienist will clean teeth, advise patients on proper dental health and assist dentists with more complex procedures. The outlook for this profession is excellent Cheap Clayton Fejedelem Jersey , with demand far outpacing supply.
Many non-patient care positions also exist in the healthcare field.
Medical coding is one such profession. Medical coders must know terminology and how to read a patient's chart. They update medical records every time a patient receives healthcare. Some upward mobility is available in management. Many people secure a job as a coder as a way to subsidize further medical education.
Medical office administration is another healthcare position that doesn't involve patient care. These positions answer phones, coordinate with hospitals and check inout patients. Moves to office management or medical codingbilling are advancement opportunities. Some people also use this position to further their education.
Healthcare institutions are a large employer of operational positions as well.
Information technology professionals are in strong demand since hospitals utilize state of the art databases to store patient's medical and billing records. Database administrators and web programmers are a vital part of a hospital's daily operations.