Acne is a common skin infection that affects over 80% of youth and 5% of adults. When acne eventually heals Maxx Crosby Hat , it leaves ugly blemishes called acne scars. These become permanent if they are not treated in time. Acne scars are damaging to the ego and personality of an individual, and a lot of time and money has been invested in research to treat this problem.
Acne scars are classified by size, shape and appearance they are identified as Icepick, Boxcar and Rolling. They are also tagged as early or permanent on the basis of their duration. Early scars respond well to topical medications. Permanent scars require surgical intervention. Presently Trayvon Mullen Hat , scars are treated with combinations of topical skin care medications in tandem with carefully selected surgical and skin resurfacing procedures.
At least a half dozen surgical procedures are also performed to repair acne scars. Each has benefits and pitfalls and a surgeon will closely examine the patient's age, sex, medical history, skin type and type of scarring before agreeing to perform surgery. Cost is also discussed Johnathan Abram Hat , as it can be quite expensive.
When dermal fillers are used, a surgeon will inject fillers such as collagen and hyaluronic acid derivatives into the skin. This raises the base of the scar to the level of normal skin. The ?punch excision? procedure is used in
icepick and boxcar type scars and relies on making incisions in the skin with a punch biopsy tool and stitching the skin edges together. The new scar heals, leaving a clear skin. Punch excision with skin graft replacement is a variant of the punch excision method. Instead of suturing the skin after excision, surgeons use a skin graft to repair the scar. Punch elevation is used on deep boxcar scars that have sharp edges and normal appearing bases. Here the base of the scar is excised and elevated to the surface of the skin. Sutures and glue are used to join the edges together. Subcutaneous Incision is used for treating rolling scars and centers on the use of a special beveled needle that is inserted under the skin and used to cut the binding tissue in the scar. The resulting bruises fade after about 1 week. Laser resurfacing is used to burn the top layer of the skin and reduce it to the same level as the base of the scars.
Prevention is always better than cure. Simple precautions such as avoiding strong sunlight Josh Jacobs Hat , using medications like tretinoin and alpha hydroxyl acids, avoiding picking scabs, regular exercising and dietary control go a long way in preventing acne scars and saving a lot of embarrassment and expenses.
What is Cerebral Palsy and what causes the disorder? Health Articles | January 20, 2010 Cerebral Palsy is a term that denotes to a group of permanent neurological disorders affecting physical posture Clelin Ferrell Hat , body movement, speech and muscle coordination in children. Usually, cerebral p...
Cerebral Palsy is a term that denotes to a group of permanent neurological disorders affecting physical posture, body movement Antonio Brown Hat , speech and muscle coordination in children. Usually, cerebral palsy is caused due to damage in some specific areas of brain during the infancy or childbirth.
A child affected with cerebral palsy will have difficulties in leading a normal as heshe does not have full control of hisher motor function depending on the amount of damage in the specific area of the brain. Permanent brain injuries happening to an infant during the pregnancy or at the time of birth affect the child severely causing huge loss of many abilities required to correct body functioning essential to perform according to the human activities.
The reduction in the growth of the brain results the communication problem between the brain and body. Hence, this is one of the major reasons for what?s called as cerebral palsy.
There are 4 forms of cerebral palsy:
1.Spastic Cerebral Palsy
It is characterized by stiff muscles and difficult movement. It is the most common form of cerebral palsy affecting 70% to 80% of patients.
2.Athetoid Cerebral Palsy
It is characterized by involuntary and uncontrolled muscles movement including writhing or slow movements. This form of palsy affects about 10% to 20% of patients.
3.Ataxic Cerebral Palsy
It is characterized by disturbed sense of balance and depth perception. The palsy affects about 5% to 10% of patients.
4.Mixed Cerebral Palsy
It is characterized by a combination of the above forms of cerebral palsies. However, the most common mixed form can be a combination of spastic and athetoid characteristics.
Here are some causes for the Cerebral Palsy disorder: