Forming a joint venture partnership is a popular method of promoting your products. In fact [url=htt benefits. You must remember, these people are the "cream of the crop" in their field - most people aren't worth their time.
To drastically increase the probability that they look at your offer, prove to them that you're devoted to your product. You can do these by providing them unique and exclusive benefits:
1.) A week or so ahead of time Cheap Adidas Ultra Boots Uncaged , allow the guru and their readers to exclusively preview what you offer. Allowing them access before anyone else shows that you "care" more for them than the typical person. They win too, because they gain credibility by being one of the first to announce your product to the world (and profit from it).
2.) Increase your conversion rates exclusively for them. Even the gurus will smile all the way to the bank as they cash their commission check. Many people cringe when thinking about dishing out more commissions - remember that these are sales you wouldn't have easily gotten otherwise.
3.) Give the guru a free, unrestricted look at your product. This will allow them to ensure that the quality of what you offer is high, as well as showing them that you truly trust and appreciate the opportunity to do business with them.
4.) Attach several of your articles to their e-mail for free (already embedded with their affiliate links, if possible) so that it only takes a couple clicks of the mouse to distribute your article to their ezine list or website. Of course, most gurus will also endorse your product in their own writing as well, which will highly boost your conversion rates.
5.) Go back through your sales letter and ensure that there aren't any problems Cheap Adidas Ultra Boots Parley , such as spelling or grammar errors, that are hindering your conversion rates. After all, higher conversion rates will produce more profits for you and your partner and ultimately make them happier, and more likely to work with you again.
Before launching your joint venture campaign, I highly suggest that you maximize your conversion rates. Keep in mind that even the smallest changes you make to your sales copy can result in a huge surge of results.
There are several ways to get and to keep customers, and one of them, which many companies use Cheap Adidas Ultra Boots 5.0 , is the satisfaction guarantee.
There are many types of guarantees, and it is worth the effort to consider which ones are best suited to you and to your clientele.
Here is a brief overview:
(1) Subjective Satisfaction Guarantee
When you think of this one, imagine making the broadest possible promise to your customer, and then having to live up to it. Sometimes the subjective guarantee is stated this way:
?If, for any reason, you aren't happy, we'll give you your money back?no questions asked!?
You could wake up Cheap Adidas Ultra Boots 4.0 , look at your toaster, and say, ?I'm not happy with anything in my life right now, and that includes you, little toaster, so you're going back.?
The part about ?no questions asked,? in my estimation Cheap Adidas Ultra Boots 3.0 , is dumb for a few reasons. As a distributor of toasters, I would like to know how and why this one let you down, but if I've promised not to ask, I'll have no way of knowing.
Also, it encourages customers to act capriciously and impulsively in deciding to undo agreements with us. But please note, even without this phrase, customers have the right to be as bizarre as they wish Cheap Adidas Ultra Boots 19 , because a subjective satisfaction guarantee enables them to act any way they want, and that includes, unreasonably.
Companies should be careful about what they and their salespeople tell customers. The statement, ?We stand behind our products!? sounds good to the buyer, but what does it mean? Are you intending to offer a subjective guarantee? Whether you intend it or not, this may be exactly what you're doing by using these words.
(2) Limited Guarantees
Take the same guarantee as that which appears above, in (1) Cheap Adidas Ultra Boots Shoes , and attach a time frame to it, such as ?within 30 days,? and you have a limited guarantee. It would read this way:
?If, for any reason, within the first 30 days, you aren't happy, we'll give you your money back?no questions asked!?
It still sounds good Cheap Adidas Ultra Boots , but you can't say your toaster offends your redecorated kitchen colors, ten years later and expect to get your money back.
Car manufacturers often offer limited guarantees to the ?power train, only.? So, if your door handles fly off you can't expect to have them reattached for free.
(3) Guarantees Imposed By Law
There are implied warranties that come along with every product. They're invisible. These are implied in the law, and they protect consumers.
One implied warranty is for ?fitness and use.? For example, if you buy a coffee mug at Starbuck's, and it leaks, that item has flunked a basic fitness and use test. Is it fit for the purpose for which it was made and offered to the public? Can it ?hold? liquid? No, so you can expect to return it to Starbuck's and get your money back.
You cannot use the cup for target practice, shoot it full of holes, and then get your money back because it leaks. In other words, you have to show it doesn't serve its intended or reasonably related purpose.
Sellers might get around implied warranties by selling their items on an ?as is? basis. Or, they can explicitly state ?no refunds or exchanges? at the point of purchase.